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356 Bargain of the year

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 4:35 pm
by drew01356
Hi guys
Here is the Porsche 356 bargain of the year.
I have listed this Spare Parts Catalogue on ebay with a start price of £30 instead of £300 (I'd had a glass of wine) so go get yourself a Christmas present.

This is a faithful copy of an original 1957 Spare Parts Catalogue, complete with all the updates for 356A cars including the convertible D and a fascinating section on the 1500 GS Carrera.

If you’re restoring a 356A then one of these is invaluable as they show every nut, bolt and washer, where they go and in what order.
Sourced all correct materials including the dark red binding cloth, and every page has been high resolution scanned from original.
Complete with factory packaging.
Originally published in May 1957 (7 cm thick)
Written in three languages, English, German and French.
Contents include: engine, transmission, chassis, interior heating, fuel tank, bumpers, instruments, racing wheels, accessories, underframe, body, body-interior, body sound damping, electrical equipment.
Includes Speedster and Carrera

Cheers and Merry Christmas