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Forum section / contact details for non registered users?

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:59 pm
by a1topdog
I had a problem when registering for this forum where my registration was awaiting activation.
There is nowhere on this forum where you can contact one of the mods / admins if you have this sort of problem. Once I had found the forum I didn't think to look at the main webpage to find a contact email (which I did do about 12 months after trying to register!!)

As you can't post in any of the forum sections until your registration has been activated I was stumped.

Is there any chance you can add a "guest" section to the forum for non registered members to post in , or add some way of contacting the mods / admins so others who are having a similar problem can contact someone for help?

Great forum by the way. Even though I have a water cooled 997 I love reading up on all of the restorations on your early cars.


Re: Forum section / contact details for non registered users

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:11 pm
by Bootsy
Don't think it's possible to add a guest section without opening the forum up to spam abuse

I do try to activate all accounts quickly however all registrants receive an email from me asking a couple of questions - account are activated as soon as a reply is received - keeps the spammers and automated bots away

you can always reply to the email you get informing you you're awaiting activation too.